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Fortran 2008 (ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010) / 2010; 8 years ago ( 2010),.f,.for,.f90 Major, XL Fortran, Lahey/Fujitsu, Visual Fortran, others Influenced by Influenced, and Fortran (; formerly FORTRAN, derived from Formula Translation ) is a general-purpose, that is especially suited to and. Originally developed by in the 1950s for scientific and engineering applications, FORTRAN came to dominate this area of programming early on and has been in continuous use for over half a century in computationally intensive areas such as, and. It is a popular language for and is used for programs that benchmark and rank the world's.

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Fortran encompasses a lineage of versions, each of which evolved to add extensions to the language while usually retaining compatibility with prior versions. Successive versions have added support for and processing of character-based data (FORTRAN 77), and (Fortran 90), (Fortran 95), (Fortran 2003) and (Fortran 2008). Fortran's design was the basis for many other programming languages. Among the better known is, which is a based on FORTRAN II with a number of syntax cleanups, notably better logical structures, and other changes to more easily work in an interactive environment.

Contents. Naming The names of earlier versions of the language through FORTRAN 77 were conventionally spelled in all-capitals (FORTRAN 77 was the last version in which the use of lowercase letters in keywords was strictly non-standard). The capitalization has been dropped in referring to newer versions beginning with Fortran 90. The official language now refer to the language as 'Fortran' rather than all-caps 'FORTRAN'. An In late 1953, submitted a proposal to his superiors at to develop a more practical alternative to for programming their. Backus' historic FORTRAN team consisted of programmers Richard Goldberg, Sheldon F. Best, Harlan Herrick, Peter Sheridan, Robert Nelson, Irving Ziller, and.

Its concepts included easier entry of equations into a computer, an idea developed by and demonstrated in the of 1952. A draft specification for The IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System was completed by mid-1954. The first manual for FORTRAN appeared in October 1956, with the first FORTRAN delivered in April 1957. This was the first, because customers were reluctant to use a unless its compiler could generate code with performance comparable to that of hand-coded assembly language.

While the community was skeptical that this new method could possibly outperform hand-coding, it reduced the number of programming necessary to operate a machine by a factor of 20, and quickly gained acceptance. John Backus said during a 1979 interview with Think, the IBM employee magazine, 'Much of my work has come from being lazy. I didn't like writing programs, and so, when I was working on the, writing programs for computing missile trajectories, I started work on a programming system to make it easier to write programs.' The language was widely adopted by scientists for writing numerically intensive programs, which encouraged compiler writers to produce compilers that could generate faster and more efficient code.

The inclusion of a in the language made Fortran especially suited to technical applications such as electrical engineering. By 1960, versions of FORTRAN were available for the, and computers. Significantly, the increasing popularity of FORTRAN spurred competing computer manufacturers to provide FORTRAN compilers for their machines, so that by 1963 over 40 FORTRAN compilers existed.

For these reasons, FORTRAN is considered to be the first widely used programming language supported across a variety of computer architectures. The development of Fortran paralleled the, and many advances in the theory and design of were specifically motivated by the need to generate efficient code for Fortran programs. Further information: Before the development of disk files, text editors and terminals, programs were most often entered on a keyboard onto 80-column, one line to a card. The resulting deck of cards would be fed into a card reader to be compiled. Punched card codes included no lower-case letters or many special characters, and special versions of the IBM 026 were offered that would correctly print the re-purposed special characters used in FORTRAN.

Reflecting punched card input practice, Fortran programs were originally written in a fixed-column format, with the first 72 columns read into twelve 36-bit words. A letter 'C' in column 1 caused the entire card to be treated as a comment and ignored by the compiler.

Otherwise, the columns of the card were divided into four fields:. 1 to 5 were the label field: a sequence of digits here was taken as a label for use in DO or control statements such as GO TO and IF, or to identify a FORMAT statement referred to in a WRITE or READ statement. Leading zeros are ignored and 0 is not a valid label number. 6 was a continuation field: a character other than a blank or a zero here caused the card to be taken as a continuation of the statement on the prior card. The continuation cards were usually numbered 1, 2, etc. And the starting card might therefore have zero in its continuation column – which is not a continuation of its preceding card.

7 to 72 served as the statement field. 73 to 80 were ignored (the IBM 704's only used 72 columns).

Columns 73 to 80 could therefore be used for identification information, such as punching a sequence number or text, which could be used to re-order cards if a stack of cards was dropped; though in practice this was reserved for stable, production programs. An could be used to copy a program deck and add sequence numbers. Some early compilers, e.g., the IBM 650's, had additional restrictions due to limitations on their card readers. Could be programmed to tab to column 7 and skip out after column 72.


Later compilers relaxed most fixed-format restrictions, and the requirement was eliminated in the Fortran 90 standard. Within the statement field, (blanks) were ignored outside a text literal. This allowed omitting spaces between tokens for brevity or including spaces within identifiers for clarity. For example, AVG OF X was a valid identifier, equivalent to AVGOFX, and 101010 DO101I = 1, 101 was a valid statement, equivalent to 10101 DO 101 I = 1, 101 because the zero in column 6 is treated as if it were a space (!), while 101010 DO101I = 1.101 was instead 10101 DO101I = 1.101, the assignment of 1.101 to a variable called DO101I. Note the slight visual difference between a comma and a period., originally allowed only in FORMAT and DATA statements, were prefixed by a character count and the letter H (e.g., 26 HTHIS IS ALPHANUMERIC DATA.), allowing blanks to be retained within the character string.

Miscounts were a problem. FORTRAN II IBM's FORTRAN II appeared in 1958. The main enhancement was to support by allowing user-written subroutines and functions which returned values, with parameters passed. The COMMON statement provided a way for subroutines to access common (or ) variables. Six new statements were introduced:. SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, and END. CALL and RETURN.

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COMMON Over the next few years, FORTRAN II would also add support for the DOUBLE PRECISION and COMPLEX data types. Early FORTRAN compilers supported no in subroutines. Early computer architectures supported no concept of a stack, and when they did directly support subroutine calls, the return location was often stored in one fixed location adjacent to the subroutine code (e.g. The ) or a specific machine register ( et seq), which only allows recursion if a stack is maintained by software and the return address is stored on the stack before the call is made and restored after the call returns. Although not specified in FORTRAN 77, many F77 compilers supported recursion as an option, and the, designed with recursion built-in, did so by default. It became a standard in Fortran 90 via the new keyword RECURSIVE. Simple FORTRAN II program This program, for, reads data on a tape reel containing three 5-digit integers A, B, and C as input.

There are no 'type' declarations available: variables whose name starts with I, J, K, L, M, or N are 'fixed-point' (i.e. Integers), otherwise floating-point. Since integers are to be processed in this example, the names of the variables start with the letter 'I'. The name of a variable must start with a letter and can continue with both letters and digits, up to a limit of six characters in FORTRAN II. If A, B, and C cannot represent the sides of a triangle in plane geometry, then the program's execution will end with an error code of 'STOP 1'. Otherwise, an output line will be printed showing the input values for A, B, and C, followed by the computed AREA of the triangle as a floating-point number occupying ten spaces along the line of output and showing 2 digits after the decimal point, the.2 in F10.2 of the FORMAT statement with label 601. A FORTRAN coding form, printed on paper and intended to be used by programmers to prepare programs for punching onto cards by operators.

Now obsolete. IBM also developed a FORTRAN III in 1958 that allowed for inline assembly code among other features; however, this version was never released as a product. Like the 704 FORTRAN and FORTRAN II, FORTRAN III included machine-dependent features that made code written in it unportable from machine to machine. Early versions of FORTRAN provided by other vendors suffered from the same disadvantage. IBM 1401 FORTRAN FORTRAN was provided for the computer by an innovative 63-phase compiler that ran entirely in its of only 8000 (six-bit) characters. The compiler could be run from tape, or from a 2200-card deck; it used no further tape or disk storage.

It kept the program in memory and loaded that gradually transformed it, in place, into executable form, as described by Haines. This article was reprinted, edited, in both editions of Anatomy of a Compiler and in the IBM manual 'Fortran Specifications and Operating Procedures, IBM 1401'. The executable form was not entirely; rather, floating-point arithmetic, sub-scripting, input/output, and function references were interpreted, preceding by two decades. IBM later provided a FORTRAN IV compiler for the 1400 series of computers. FORTRAN IV Starting in 1961, as a result of customer demands, IBM began development of a FORTRAN IV that removed the machine-dependent features of FORTRAN II (such as READ INPUT TAPE), while adding new features such as a, logical and the logical IF statement as an alternative to the arithmetic IF statement.

FORTRAN IV was eventually released in 1962, first for the ('Stretch') computer, followed by versions for the, and later for the in 1966. By 1965, FORTRAN IV was supposed to be compliant with the standard being developed by the X3.4.3 FORTRAN Working Group. At about this time FORTRAN IV had started to become an important educational tool and implementations such as the University of Waterloo's WATFOR and were created to simplify the complex compile and link processes of earlier compilers. FORTRAN 66 Perhaps the most significant development in the early history of FORTRAN was the decision by the American Standards Association (now (ANSI)) to form a committee sponsored by BEMA, the Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, to develop an American Standard Fortran. The resulting two standards, approved in March 1966, defined two languages, FORTRAN (based on FORTRAN IV, which had served as a de facto standard), and Basic FORTRAN (based on FORTRAN II, but stripped of its machine-dependent features). The FORTRAN defined by the first standard, officially denoted X3.9-1966, became known as FORTRAN 66 (although many continued to term it FORTRAN IV, the language on which the standard was largely based). FORTRAN 66 effectively became the first industry-standard version of FORTRAN.

For the (DEC), displaying the for FORTRAN 77 (f77) compiler After the release of the FORTRAN 66 standard, compiler vendors introduced several extensions to Standard Fortran, prompting ANSI committee X3J3 in 1969 to begin work on revising the 1966 standard, under sponsorship of, the Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (formerly BEMA). Final drafts of this revised standard circulated in 1977, leading to formal approval of the new FORTRAN standard in April 1978. DIMENSION A ( 10, 5 ) Y = A ( 11, 1 ). Transfer of control out of and back into the range of a DO loop (also known as 'Extended Range') Variants: Minnesota FORTRAN computers had another version of FORTRAN 77, called Minnesota FORTRAN (MNF), designed especially for student use, with variations in output constructs, special uses of COMMONs and DATA statements, optimizations code levels for compiling, and detailed error listings, extensive warning messages, and debugs. Transition to ANSI Standard Fortran The development of a revised standard to succeed FORTRAN 77 would be repeatedly delayed as the standardization process struggled to keep up with rapid changes in computing and programming practice. In the meantime, as the 'Standard FORTRAN' for nearly fifteen years, FORTRAN 77 would become the historically most important dialect. An important practical extension to FORTRAN 77 was the release of MIL-STD-1753 in 1978.

This specification, developed by the, standardized a number of features implemented by most FORTRAN 77 compilers but not included in the ANSI FORTRAN 77 standard. These features would eventually be incorporated into the Fortran 90 standard. DO WHILE and END DO statements. INCLUDE statement.

IMPLICIT NONE variant of the IMPLICIT statement. intrinsic functions, based on similar functions included in The 1003.9 Standard, released in 1991, provided a simple means for FORTRAN 77 programmers to issue POSIX system calls. Over 100 calls were defined in the document – allowing access to POSIX-compatible process control, signal handling, file system control, device control, procedure pointing, and stream I/O in a portable manner. Fortran 90 The much-delayed successor to FORTRAN 77, informally known as Fortran 90 (and prior to that, Fortran 8X), was finally released as ISO/IEC standard 1539:1991 in 1991 and an ANSI Standard in 1992. In addition to changing the official spelling from FORTRAN to Fortran, this major revision added many new features to reflect the significant changes in programming practice that had evolved since the 1978 standard:., also with lowercase Fortran keywords. Identifiers up to 31 characters in length (In the previous standard, it was only six characters).

Inline comments. Ability to operate on arrays (or array sections) as a whole, thus greatly simplifying math and engineering computations. whole, partial and masked array assignment statements and array expressions, such as X(1:N)=R(1:N).COS(A(1:N)). WHERE statement for selective array assignment. array-valued constants and expressions,. user-defined array-valued functions and array constructors. procedures., to group related and data together, and make them available to other program units, including the capability to limit the accessibility to only specific parts of the module.

Main article: Fortran 95, published officially as ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997, was a minor revision, mostly to resolve some outstanding issues from the Fortran 90 standard. Nevertheless, Fortran 95 also added a number of extensions, notably from the specification:.

FORALL and nested WHERE constructs to aid vectorization. User-defined PURE and ELEMENTAL procedures. Default initialization of derived type components, including pointer initialization. Expanded the ability to use initialization expressions for data objects. Initialization of pointers to NULL.

Clearly defined that ALLOCATABLE arrays are automatically deallocated when they go out of scope. A number of intrinsic functions were extended (for example a dim argument was added to the maxloc intrinsic). Several features noted in Fortran 90 to be 'obsolescent' were removed from Fortran 95:. DO statements using REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION index variables. Branching to an END IF statement from outside its block.

PAUSE statement. ASSIGN and assigned GO TO statement, and assigned format specifiers. H edit descriptor. An important supplement to Fortran 95 was the TR-15581: Enhanced Data Type Facilities, informally known as the Allocatable TR.

This specification defined enhanced use of ALLOCATABLE arrays, prior to the availability of fully Fortran 2003-compliant Fortran compilers. Such uses include ALLOCATABLE arrays as derived type components, in procedure dummy argument lists, and as function return values.

( ALLOCATABLE arrays are preferable to POINTER-based arrays because ALLOCATABLE arrays are guaranteed by Fortran 95 to be deallocated automatically when they go out of scope, eliminating the possibility of. In addition, elements of allocatable arrays are contiguous, and is not an issue for optimization of array references, allowing compilers to generate faster code than in the case of pointers. ) Another important supplement to Fortran 95 was the technical report TR-15580: Floating-point exception handling, informally known as the IEEE TR.

This specification defined support for and. Conditional compilation and varying length strings In addition to the mandatory 'Base language' (defined in ISO/IEC 1539-1: 1997), the Fortran 95 language also includes two optional modules:. Varying length character strings (ISO/IEC 1539-2: 2000). Conditional compilation (ISO/IEC 1539-3: 1998) which, together, compose the multi-part International Standard (ISO/IEC 1539).

According to the standards developers, 'the optional parts describe self-contained features which have been requested by a substantial body of users and/or implementors, but which are not deemed to be of sufficient generality for them to be required in all standard-conforming Fortran compilers.' Nevertheless, if a standard-conforming Fortran does provide such options, then they 'must be provided in accordance with the description of those facilities in the appropriate Part of the Standard'. Fortran 2003 Fortran 2003, officially published as ISO/IEC 1539-1:2004, is a major revision introducing many new features. A comprehensive summary of the new features of Fortran 2003 is available at the Fortran Working Group (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5) official Web site. This section does not any. Unsourced material may be challenged and. (September 2011) was a problem in the early days because there was no agreed upon standard – not even IBM's reference manual – and computer companies vied to differentiate their offerings from others by providing incompatible features.

Standards have improved portability. The 1966 standard provided a reference and semantics, but vendors continued to provide incompatible extensions. Although careful programmers were coming to realize that use of incompatible extensions caused expensive portability problems, and were therefore using programs such as The PFORT Verifier, it was not until after the 1977 standard, when the National Bureau of Standards (now ) published FIPS PUB 69, that processors purchased by the U.S. Government were required to diagnose extensions of the standard. Rather than offer two processors, essentially every compiler eventually had at least an option to diagnose extensions.

Incompatible extensions were not the only portability problem. For numerical calculations, it is important to take account of the characteristics of the arithmetic. This was addressed by Fox et al. In the context of the 1966 standard by the PORT library. The ideas therein became widely used, and were eventually incorporated into the 1990 standard by way of intrinsic inquiry functions.

The widespread (now almost universal) adoption of the standard for binary floating-point arithmetic has essentially removed this problem. Access to the computing environment (e.g., the program's command line, environment variables, textual explanation of error conditions) remained a problem until it was addressed by the 2003 standard. Large collections of library software that could be described as being loosely related to engineering and scientific calculations, such as graphics libraries, have been written in C, and therefore access to them presented a portability problem. This has been addressed by incorporation of C interoperability into the 2003 standard. It is now possible (and relatively easy) to write an entirely portable program in Fortran, even without recourse to a preprocessor. Variants Fortran 5 Fortran 5 was marketed by Corp in the late 1970s and early 1980s, for the, and line of computers. It had an optimizing compiler that was quite good for minicomputers of its time.

The language most closely resembles FORTRAN 66. The name is a on the earlier FORTRAN IV. FORTRAN V FORTRAN V was distributed by in 1968 for the series.

The language was based upon FORTRAN IV. Univac also offered a compiler for the 1100 series known as FORTRAN V. A spinoff of Univac Fortran V was Athena FORTRAN. Fortran 6 Fortran 6 or Visual Fortran 2001 was licensed to. They have licensed Compaq Visual Fortran and have provided the Visual Studio 5 environment interface for up to v6.1. Specific variants Vendors of high-performance scientific computers ( e.g., (CDC), and ) added extensions to Fortran to take advantage of special hardware features such as, CPU, and vector arrays. For example, one of IBM's FORTRAN compilers ( H Extended IUP) had a level of optimization which reordered the to keep multiple internal arithmetic units busy simultaneously.

Another example is CFD, a special variant of FORTRAN designed specifically for the supercomputer, running at 's. IBM Research Labs also developed an extended FORTRAN-based language called VECTRAN for processing vectors and matrices. Was an object-oriented extension of Fortran, in which data items can be grouped into objects, which can be instantiated and executed in parallel. It was available for Sun, Iris, and nCUBE, but is no longer supported.

Such machine-specific extensions have either disappeared over time or have had elements incorporated into the main standards. The major remaining extension is, which is a cross-platform extension for shared memory programming. One new extension, is intended to support parallel programming. FOR TRANSIT for the IBM 650 FOR TRANSIT was the name of a reduced version of the IBM 704 FORTRAN language, which was implemented for the IBM 650, using a translator program developed at Carnegie in the late 1950s. The following comment appears in the IBM Reference Manual ( FOR TRANSIT Automatic Coding System C28-4038, Copyright 1957, 1959 by IBM): The FORTRAN system was designed for a more complex machine than the 650, and consequently some of the 32 statements found in the FORTRAN Programmer's Reference Manual are not acceptable to the FOR TRANSIT system. In addition, certain restrictions to the FORTRAN language have been added.

However, none of these restrictions make a source program written for FOR TRANSIT incompatible with the FORTRAN system for the 704. The permissible statements were:. Arithmetic assignment statements, e.g., a = b. GO to n. GO TO (n 1, n 2., n m), i.

IF (a) n 1, n 2, n 3. PAUSE. STOP. DO n i = m1, m2.

CONTINUE. END. READ n, list. PUNCH n, list. DIMENSION V, V, V. EQUIVALENCE (a,b,c), (d,c).

Up to ten subroutines could be used in one program. FOR TRANSIT statements were limited to columns 7 through 56, only.

Punched cards were used for input and output on the IBM 650. Three passes were required to translate source code to the 'IT' language, then to compile the IT statements into SOAP assembly language, and finally to produce the object program, which could then be loaded into the machine to run the program (using punched cards for data input, and outputting results onto punched cards). Two versions existed for the 650s with a 2000 word memory drum: FOR TRANSIT I (S) and FOR TRANSIT II, the latter for machines equipped with indexing registers and automatic floating point decimal arithmetic. Appendix A of the manual included wiring diagrams for the card reader/punch.

Fortran-based languages Prior to FORTRAN 77, a number of were commonly used to provide a friendlier language, with the advantage that the preprocessed code could be compiled on any machine with a standard FORTRAN compiler. These preprocessors would typically support, variable names longer than six characters, additional data types, and even capabilities. Popular preprocessors included, and. Ratfor and Ratfiv, for example, implemented a -like language, outputting preprocessed code in standard FORTRAN 66. Despite advances in the Fortran language, preprocessors continue to be used for conditional compilation and macro substitution.

One of the earliest versions of FORTRAN, introduced in the '60s, was popularly used in colleges and universities. Developed, supported, and distributed by the, was based largely on FORTRAN IV. A student using WATFOR could submit their batch FORTRAN job and, if there were no syntax errors, the program would move straight to execution. This simplification allowed students to concentrate on their program's syntax and semantics, or execution logic flow, rather than dealing with submission (JCL), the compile/link-edit/execution successive process(es), or other complexities of the mainframe/minicomputer environment. A down side to this simplified environment was that WATFOR was not a good choice for programmers needing the expanded abilities of their host processor(s), e.g., WATFOR typically had very limited access to I/O devices. WATFOR was succeeded by and its later versions.

Program; s = 0 i = 1, n; s = s + 1; stop i; s = 's' Stop (line programming) was developed at the to provide support for vector arithmetic and dynamic storage, among other extensions to support systems programming. The distribution included the. The Fortran-95 Standard includes an optional Part 3 which defines an optional capability. This capability is often referred to as 'CoCo'. Many Fortran compilers have integrated subsets of the into their systems. Is an application specific Fortran preprocessor for modeling and simulating large discrete systems. The was designed to be a clean subset of Fortran 95 that attempted to remove the redundant, unstructured, and deprecated features of Fortran, such as the EQUIVALENCE statement.

F retains the array features added in Fortran 90, and removes control statements that were made obsolete by structured programming constructs added to both FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90. F is described by its creators as 'a compiled, structured, array programming language especially well suited to education and scientific computing'. Lahey and Fujitsu teamed up to create Fortran for the Microsoft.

Silverfrost FTN95 is also capable of creating.NET code. Code examples.

Further information: The following program illustrates dynamic memory allocation and array-based operations, two features introduced with Fortran 90. Particularly noteworthy is the absence of DO loops and IF/ THEN statements in manipulating the array; mathematical operations are applied to the array as a whole. Also apparent is the use of descriptive variable names and general code formatting that conform with contemporary programming style. This example computes an average over data entered interactively. Program average! Read in some numbers and take the average! As written, if there are no data points, an average of zero is returned!

While this may not be desired behavior, it keeps this example simple implicit none real, dimension (:), allocatable:: points integer:: numberofpoints real:: averagepoints = 0., positiveaverage = 0., negativeaverage = 0. Write (.,. ) 'Input number of points to average:' read (.,. ) numberofpoints allocate ( points ( numberofpoints )) write (.,. ) 'Enter the points to average:' read (.,.

) points! Take the average by summing points and dividing by numberofpoints if ( numberofpoints 0 ) averagepoints = sum ( points ) / numberofpoints! Now form average over positive and negative points only if ( count ( points 0. ) 0 ) then positiveaverage = sum ( points, points 0. ) / count ( points 0. ) end if if ( count ( points 0 ) then negativeaverage = sum ( points, points. Retrieved 2016-01-14.

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5 ed.). The Free Dictionary. Retrieved 2016-02-08. John Backus. Retrieved 19 November 2014. Eugene Loh (18 June 2010). Association of Computing Machines.

Honeywell Iv Plus Manual

Retrieved 2015-02-21. 29 April 2014. Szczepaniak, John (1 May 2014). Retrieved 22 September 2014. Mindell, David, Digital Apollo, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2008, p.99.

'The Fortran I compiler was the first major project in code optimization. It tackled problems of crucial importance whose general solution was an important research focus in compiler technology for several decades. Many classical techniques for compiler analysis and optimization can trace their origins and inspiration to the Fortran I compiler.'

Retrieved 19 November 2014. Sheridan (1957). 'The FORTRAN Automatic Coding System'. Western joint computer conference: Techniques for reliability. Los Angeles, California:,: 188–198. CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list Online at,. Applied Science Division and Programming Research Department, International Business Machines Corporation (October 15, 1956).

Programming Research Department, International Business Machines Corporation (April 8, 1957)., 1961, IBM A22-6528-3. Retrieved 19 November 2014.

Retrieved 15 September 2014. IBM Systems Journal. 4 (1): 73–80.

Lee, John A. Anatomy of a Compiler. Van Nostrand Reinhold. McCracken, Daniel D.

A Guide to FORTRAN IV Programming. New York: Wiley. Retrieved 19 November 2014. Mil-std-1753.

Posix 1003.9-1992. Retrieved 19 November 2014. Compaq Fortran. Texas, Huston, US: Compaq Computer Corporation. Retrieved 19 November 2014. The form CHARACTER.(.) is an obsolescent feature in Fortran 95. Retrieved 10 May 2014.

Retrieved 10 May 2014. It may also be downloaded as a,

N1836, Summary of Voting/Table of Replies on ISO/IEC FDIS 1539-1, Information technology – Programming languages – Fortran – Part 1: Base language. (PDF).

Retrieved 10 May 2014. N1830, Information technology – Programming languages – Fortran – Part 1: Base language. ISO page to. (PDF).

Honeywell Chronotherm Iv Plus Manual Download

Retrieved 20 November 2017. Retrieved 20 November 2017. Retrieved 20 November 2017. Retrieved 20 November 2017. Retrieved 23 June 2017.

Retrieved 21 September 2015. Retrieved 19 November 2014., 28 December 2017. Kemeny, John G.; Kurtz, Thomas E. (11 October 1968). 162: 223–228. Phillips, Lee. Ars Technica.

Retrieved 8 May 2014. (April 1984). BYTE (letter). Retrieved 6 February 2015.

Galperin, Boris (1993). Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Engineering and Geophysical Flows. London: Cambridgey. Retrieved 2017-12-23. Healy, MJR (1968). Advanced scientific Fortran by CDC. Archived from on 5 July 2009.

Retrieved 10 April 2009. 15 March 2011. Retrieved 19 November 2014. 'Internal Translator (IT) A Compiler for the IBM 650', by A. Smith, and H. Van Zoeren, Computation Center, Carnegie Institute of Technology.

Retrieved 19 November 2014. Archived from on 18 October 2014. Retrieved 19 November 2014. X3J3 post-meeting distribution for meeting held at Brookhaven National Laboratory in November 1976. 'The obliteration of O', Computer Weekly, 3 March 1977. Retrieved 2016-09-29.

Further reading Articles. Allen, F.E.

(September 1981). IBM Journal of Research and Development. Sheridan; Ziller, I.; Hughes, R. A.; Nutt, R.; Beeber, R. J.; Best, S.; Goldberg, R.; Haibt, L.

M.; Herrick, H. L.; Nelson, R. A.; Sayre, D.; Sheridan, P. 'The FORTRAN Automatic Coding System'. Western joint computer conference: Techniques for reliability. Los Angeles, California:,: 188–198. CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list.

Chivers, Ian D.; Sleightholme, Jane (2013). Fortran Forum. 28 (1): 26–28. Archived from on 2008-05-16. Pigott, Diarmuid (2006). The Encyclopedia of Computer Languages. Archived from on 8 October 2009.

Retrieved 5 May 2010. Roberts, Mark L.; Griffiths, Peter D. IBM Systems Journal. 24 (1): 49–60. 'Core' language standards.

Ansi x3.9-1966. American National Standards Institute. Informally known as FORTRAN 66.

Ansi x3.9-1978. American National Standards Institute. Also known as 1539-1980, informally known as FORTRAN 77. ANSI X3.198-1992 (R1997) / ISO/IEC 1539:1991.

American National Standards Institute / ISO/IEC. Archived from on 1 May 2002. Informally known as Fortran 90. ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997.

Informally known as Fortran 95. There are a further two parts to this standard. Part 1 has been formally adopted by ANSI. ISO/IEC 1539-1:2004.

Informally known as Fortran 2003. ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010 (Final Draft International Standard). Informally known as Fortran 2008. Related standards.

Kneis, Wilfried (October 1981). 16 (7): 45–60. Geneva, Switzerland:. Other reference material. (PDF).

European Computer Manufacturers Association. Retrieved 2014-11-17. Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Retrieved 2014-11-17. Archived from (PDF) on 8 June 2015. Retrieved 17 November 2014.

Retrieved 2014-11-17. Goerz, Michael (2014).

Retrieved 2014-12-14. Textbooks. Adams, Jeanne C.; Brainerd, Walter S.; Hendrickson, Richard A.; Maine, Richard E.; Martin, Jeanne T.; Smith, Brian T. The Fortran 2003 Handbook (1st ed.). Akin, Ed (2003).

Object Oriented Programming via Fortran 90/95 (1st ed.). Chapman, Stephen J. Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists and Engineers (3rd ed.). Chivers, Ian; Sleightholme, Jane (2015). Introduction to Programming with Fortran (3rd ed.).

Structured FORTRAN 77 for Engineers and Scientists (3rd ed.). The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. R.; Phillips, Ivor R.; Lahey, Thomas M. Fortran 90 Programming (1st ed.). Addison Wesley. Kupferschmid, Michael (2002). Classical Fortran: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications.

Marcel Dekker (CRC Press). McCracken, Daniel D. A Guide to FORTRAN Programming. New York: Wiley. Metcalf, Michael; John Reid; Malcolm Cohen (2011). Modern Fortran Explained. Nyhoff, Larry; Sanford Leestma (1995).

FORTRAN 77 for Engineers and Scientists with an Introduction to Fortran 90 (4th ed.). Page, Clive G. (7 June 2005 ed.).

London: Pitman. Retrieved 4 May 2010. Press, William H. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Sleighthome, Jane; Chivers, Ian David (1990). Computers and their applications (2nd ed.). Chichester: E.

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Archived from on 12 March 2014. Retrieved 12 March 2014.

External links Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Wikiquote has quotations related to:. – the official home of Fortran standards. – GFortran standards. –. – an online FORTRAN F compiler for small experiments and tinkering.

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Thanks for welcoming to the site:) 8 posts May 23, 2009 15 posts May 21, 2009 11 posts May 20, 2009 6 posts Oct 22, 2008 Grizzly 660 Modifications. Old, 10:43 AM Thread Starter. Jasson450r is offline. How do you do this rev limiter mod on a 06 660 griz? I'm interested in. Dec 25, 2015. quantum27gl idles but not re. Jan 5, 2013 - My Toyota Quantum 2.7GL idles but does not rev up. I ve changed the fuel pump and filter but still it starts, idles - Toyota 2007 Quantum 2.7 question.SOURCE: 1985 toyota 4x4 22re missing and rough idle.

Have you pulled. Toyota quantum d4d idle but when u rev it doesn't pick 24, 2014 - Toyota quantum d4d idle but when u rev it doesn't pick up reves - Toyota 2007. What will cause the car not to start after cylinder head repairs?Toyota quantum 2.7gl idles but when u rev it doesn not pick 14, 2013 - Toyota quantum 2.7gl idles but when u rev it doesn not pick up reves - Cars. I have a 2006 toyota quantum,the engine starts,i doesn't idle,no. And rear wheels will not drive?

Just makes terrible fringing noise but will drive - help, volkswagen idles but wont rev up 2liter Golf II & Jetta II Dec 21, 2015.